Season 1954-1955
The 1954/55 season
(image and description sent by Dai Thomas, added by Michael Hofstetter in January 2022)
More memorabilia of the club’s history: a team photo of the 1954/55 Blues again provided by Dai Thomas, who is holding the basketball in the image. Is this the one that John McPhee had send over the year before?
Back row: D V Solomon (Selwyn); G Fisher (D.A.E); R Moro (Pembroke)
Middle row: M Ward (Peterhouse); D Erskine (Trinity Hall); J Culver (Emanuel); W Kirschner (St Johns)
Front row: M Blackburn (St Johns), Secretary; D V Thomas (Pembroke), Captain (holding ball labelled 1954-5); Mr. B E King (Pembroke) Senior Treasurer; J Romero (Trinity), Junior Treasurer.
Absent: B R Hammond (Pembroke)