
100th anniversary

The University of Oxford Basketball club has provided us with an Excel file detailing the results and comments for many of the past Varsity games. Looking at the list, while it seems like we tended to lose in the old days (unless there is some selective memory at play on their side), in recent years we stepped up our game and secured many more wins.

The file can be found using the button, if you want to have a look for yourself. Any help finding the remaining pieces would be much appreciated!

Varsity Results


In honour of the 100th anniversary of the first ever Varsity game, we introduce this new section to our website.
It remembers the history of this club. This will increase interaction with alumni and create stronger bonds between members, alumni and the club, making it more sustainable and encouraging the rich history. For each season, a short summary and a team picture is provided. For more recent years, the Varsity live stream can be rewatched. There can also be pictures of the alumni dinner or other occasions.

If you have any pictures, names or results from earlier years, please get in contact!

The following gallery shows plays across different years:


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