Season 1980-1981
The 1980/81 season: Tough loss in Varsity, but friendships beyond CUBbC
(Text and images by Daniel Galson, added by Michael Hofstetter in January 2022)
Quite a few team members from the 1980-1981 vintage are still in touch with each other. For example, I am attaching a photo from 2019 of myself, Richard Durbin and David Spees (pictured in Cambridge). Jo Ellen Spees, also shown, was on the women’s team that year (I coached it). I am also attaching a grainy photo of some action that year: 11 = Steve Strogatz (missing from team photo), 12 = David Spees, 13 = Newton Key (but wearing 20 in the team photo).
It is good to see Cambridge winning Varsity matches. Sadly, in my four years (1979-1983), we got close twice, and were hammered on two occasions.